Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Doctor is Out.....for how long?

My husband better not get sick. He better not need medications, stitches, lab tests, inhalation therapy, or any of a myriad of covered expenses detailed in our health insurance policy.

I, on the other hand, may have my throat swabbed for strep, physical therapy for my knees, x-rays, even an MRI under the same policy. And our college student offspring, thanks to a rider, can have a pediatric nurse (since she hasn't been home long enough to find a grownup doctor) check to see if she is wheezing under the same insurance policy.

What kind of medical policy excludes one out of three family members from insurance paid doctor's care?

Is it a family health plan? Close.
Is it a .....small business family health plan? Closer still.
One more guess?
Is it a very small business health plan, say a self-employed covered person plan?

How much does it cost to have such a family health plan if you are a very small busines?

Let's just say that it's over $1000 a month.
That's a lot of money for health insurance, but hey, it pays for hospitalization, doctor's visits and such, and prescription drugs.

But not for three people. Forgot to mention. The self-employed person is 65. Two years older than the covered insured whose bills for the same procedures are paid.

Could sign up for Medicare Part B... why not just toss another hundred bucks after the other ten. There aren't any more hours in the work week as it is to earn it. Shouldn't have to.

An explanation?
Stay tuned. Still trying to find out.